A big thanks to all who came by to Gormon's booth to support us and for all the constructive feedback we have received from artists and consumers alike!
For this event, we prepared a limited number of handmade purses and notebooks for sale, but we have received wonderful suggestions for potential Gormon products, and will definitely be looking to expand the variety of our products in future!
In the meantime, if you'd like to order our incredibly cute and unique purses and/or notebooks, you can place your orders with us via mailgormon@gmail.com.
Feel free to drop us an email at that same address if you have any queries for us regarding our comic and products.
We're in the process of setting up an online shop, so do stay tuned for updates!
Finally, a shoutout to all the amazing artists we met at the Creative Market who had a wealth of experience to share and were so very generous with it; thank you! If you have some time (or interest!), please do check out their work: